Leadership excellence: Prioritization and inspiring change
Navigating complex projects and organizational change can be daunting for any leader, but women often face unique challenges in gaining buy-in and driving results. This panel discussion provides expert insights on how to successfully prioritize initiatives and manage change in your association.
Our panelists, Anne Ornelas, Cecilia Sepp, Edima Elinewinga, and Alex Mouw will share hard-won lessons on how to build and maintain trust on teams, spot potential trouble early, and foster a culture of accountability for project success. Learn proven techniques to gain consensus across diverse stakeholders, implement mechanisms to set strategic priorities, maintain buy-in and project momentum over time, and manage scope creep.
You will walk away with actionable strategies to align priorities, motivate staff, anticipate challenges, and communicate compelling visions for change. Gain confidence in your ability to spearhead high-impact projects from conception to completion and build your strategic leadership skills.
Anne Ornelas, DES
Senior Manager, Business Systems and Strategic Initiatives, CASSS
Cecilia Sepp, CAE, ACNP
Principal & Founder, Rogue Tulips